Maximize the health and efficiency of your fleet.
Whether your machine is currently experiencing problematic “symptoms” or you’re wanting to do some precautionary (downtime-saving) checks, participating in our oil analysis program is like getting a blood test for your oil. It is a comprehensive, preventative program in which the root issues of problems can be accurately identified, and future issues can be avoided.
Getting a glimpse at what’s going on inside of your machine through an oil sample analysis, coupled with the expertise of our in-house technical advisor, can prevent equipment failure, improve asset reliability, maximize the life of your lubricants, and reduce the need (and cost!) of maintenance.
Automated and efficient.
We partner with Shell to bring you an industry-leading oil analysis program. Based online, it features automated alerts to potential problems discovered by the oil sample test. This program can not only prevent unplanned maintenance and the resultant costly repairs – it can also help you extend your oil change interval, with the goal of lowering the overall energy cost of operating your fleet.